Articles by Judy MacInnes

About the Author

Judy MacInnes
Judy MacInnes started off her working life in the British Foreign Service. After working in the British Embassy in Madrid from 1982-1985, she stayed on in Spain and became a stockbroker, working in Banif and Banesto Bolsa. For the last 20 years, she has been an economic and financial journalist, working until 2012 as senior correspondent with Thomson Reuters in Madrid.


Spain goes to the polls as the Ibex runs out of new stock ideas

Spain will go to the polls on Sunday and expectations have certainly been met for a more interesting race to the finishing point than in 2011. New kids on the block, centre-right Ciudadanos and anti-austerity Podemos, have put an end to the over 40-year two-party dominance of the Popular Party (PP) and the Socialists. The new government could implement more reforms with expected positive economic impact, but the downturn in markets such as Latin America is likely to weigh more on Spain’s stock market.

Cameron and Merkel

Has Greece crisis strenghtened Brexit support?

MADRID | July 22, 2015 | By Judith MacInnes | British Prime Minister David Cameron’s ploy to make a grand presentation on his plans for European reform at the June 26 Euro Summit was scuppered by the escalating Greece crisis.