coronavirus susto

Third Wave Of Coronavirus Jeopardises European Growth Prospects

The unstoppable spread of the pandemic is currently hitting Portugal and Spain with particular severity. And it has been worsened with possible delays in the production of vaccines, both by Pfizer and Astrazeneca, thus jeopardizing the pace of deliveries and the vaccination schedule in Europe. At the same time, the short term is being complicated on the continent by the increase in the number and depth of restrictions. These are weakening the prospects for recovery in the first part of the year.

OPEC post mortem

OPEC+ Wants Members To Fight Shoulder To Shoulder…

Analysts at BofA Global Research still expect the global oil market to move into a 4.9mn b/d deficit in 4Q20 on the back of the OPEC+ cuts, supporting crude prices. Yet diesel and jetfuel/kerosene make up by far the largest petroleum product group in the oil market. So crude oil prices cannot really rally until distillate demand, jet fuel included, recovers to more normal levels in the next few months.

David Fyfe

“OPEC+ Will Start To Recover Power In The Oil Market As Demand Slump Hits US Output”

Pablo Pardo (Washington) | One of the most exciting stories of the world economy in 2002 is the oil price collapse. David Fyfe, chief economist of one of the world’s largest suppliers of raw materials’ prices, Argus, is aware that the oil market is not going to be the same after this collapse in demand. It will take years for prices to recover – if they do – and US production will be lower.

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OPEC+ To Extend The 9.7 M bpd Cut By One Month; It Means 100,000 Barrels Less Than In June, And Almost 10% Of The Global Supply

OPEC+ agreed over the weekend to extend the cut in oil production until July 31. Mexico has not signed up to the new agreement. The return of 2 million barrels of crude oil to the daily supply will be postponed until that date. In addition, it was determined that Iraq and Nigeria, which have so far failed to comply with the agreed production cuts, will carry out an additional reduction in July.

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OPEC+ Will Extend Supply Cuts And Continue To Monitor Their Effects

Renta 4 | Finally OPEC+ may have reached a tentative agreement to extend production cuts and the member countries could meet as soon as this weekend to sign it. Saudi Arabia and Russia wanted a firm commitment from those countries which were evading their quotas. So they have finalised an accord with Iraq to meet not only its share of the cuts, but even to compensate for past breaches.

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Earlier OPEC+ Meeting Could Set Stage For Production Cut Extension

Nitesh Shah (Wisdoom Tree) | OPEC+ had been readying itself for an earlier-than-originally scheduled meeting. That drove oil prices higher. However, disputes about compliance levels with quotas are casting doubt on moving the meeting to 4th June. If the meeting does go ahead this week, oil prices are likely to recoup intra-day losses on 3rd June. That could take Brent above US$40/bbl and WTI above US$38/bbl.

OPEC post mortem

Pre-OPEC Meeting : Will The Organization Restore Brent Backwardation?

Nitesh Shah (Wisdom Tree) | With the coronavirus spreading around the world, the market is understandably scared that demand for crude oil will fall hard this year. Brent oil prices have fallen from a peak of US$68/barrel in the first week of January to US$56/barrel currently (24/02/2020). We believe that the backwardation in the Brent oil futures curve is generated by the fact that OPEC is ready to intervene.

Ecuador leaves the OPEC to avoid production cuts

Ecuador Leaves The OPEC To Avoid Production Cuts

The decision was announced last October and came into effect in the new year. The Government of Lenín Moreno decided to leave the cartel, led by Saudi Arabia, to escape the procuction cuts, with which the organization intends to boost oil prices. Oil is the second largest source of income for Ecuador’s coffers.


energy sector

Oil: oversupply concerns

Carsten Menke (Julius Baer) | While the extension of oil production cuts was confirmed at the last OPEC meeting, discord emerged between Saudi Arabia and Russia about whether even deeper production cuts would be needed. Oil prices came under pressure, reflecting renewed concerns about global growth. We see prices trading slightly below fundamentally justified levels.

OPEC post mortem

OPEC Post-Mortem

Countries in the Declaration of Co-operation (DoC, also known as OPEC) met in Vienna last week and announced a 1.2mn b/d crude production cut from an October 2018 baseline. In the end, OPEC interests came out first, as expected, and the rest of the world came second.