Next Generation EU – The Corner Business News & Financial News | Spain & Europe Fri, 17 May 2024 06:49:43 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 “European funds are not reaching companies. There is total inefficiency” Thu, 16 May 2024 08:33:00 +0000 The Corner

Isabel Dutilh, director of Elecnor, Banco Alcalá and Millenium Real State explains in an interview with Mari Pinardo in the magazine Consejeros that “Europe has to have control of the funds and this requires a certain amount of bureaucracy, but in the end it is so much bureaucracy that it generates frustration and people give up applying for them”. Q – There are continuous and constant legislative changes, what do...

ICO to channel 40,000 million in loans from second part of Next Generation funds Thu, 29 Feb 2024 09:10:26 +0000 The Corner

The European funds will be used for the green and digital transition of companies, as well as to facilitate social housing and the audiovisual sector. The mobilisation will be carried out through five funds: ICO-Green (€22,000 million), loans to households, private and public companies for sustainable projects and energy efficiency, among others; ICO-Enterprise (€8,150 million, of which €1,000 million is earmarked for tourism) to strengthen the growth of companies, especially...

Court of Auditors warns of opacity of European funds: “There is no data on what reaches the final recipients” Wed, 27 Dec 2023 08:58:55 +0000 The Corner

In its Audit Report on the measures of the Administration on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan, sent this week to Las Cortes – and reported by the newspaper El Mundo – the Court of Auditors calls for more transparency: “There are no published data that allow us to have knowledge of the funds that reach the final recipients”, says the Court of Auditors, despite the execution reports...

Spain executes only 18% of €37 billion European funds received Thu, 14 Dec 2023 08:48:06 +0000 The Corner

The official data shows that the final execution of the amount received by Spain is very low (18%), that the awarding of projects is decreasing (45% in 2021; only 39% in 2022 and barely 20% on 31 October 2023); and that the vast majority (88%) of the money for the projects (61 of those 100) goes to public institutions (Autonomous Regions, City Councils and public bodies such as Adif, for...

Bulk of EU funds stay in public sector Sun, 03 Dec 2023 19:11:06 +0000 The Corner

Until now, the public sector has been the main beneficiary of European Next Generation EU funds. After dodging the issue for several months, the government unveiled the list of the top 100 beneficiaries of these funds mid-afternoon on Friday, as the European Commission had demanded. And, according to the official statement from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the major recipients of these funds have been public entities, as 60% of...

Brussels calculates Spain has only spent €20,000 million of €37,000 EU funds received Tue, 28 Nov 2023 08:46:57 +0000 The Corner

Spain has spent around €20 billion of the grants from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM), the main instrument of the Next Generation EU, in the first three years of implementation. These are the estimates of the Commission itself and set out in its latest revision of the Budgetary Plan sent by the Spanish government in October. Brussels has already disbursed €37 billion of the €80 billion expected up to...
