According to surveys that JP Morgan analysts have carried out for their investors, this is what the Greeks believe at this moment:
Impact of Europe summit in Greece: 44% negative; 15% likely to be negative; 36% positive or probably positive.
The agreement is a great loss of sovereignty for Greece: 49%
Greece should stay within the Euro: 73%
Greece should return to the Drachma: Less than 20%
The agreement with Europe should be approved by: absolute majority in Congress: 76%; referendum: 54% simple majority in Congress: 40% (notice that this does not total 100%)
What they would vote in the Referendum: in Favor 45.5%; Against: 35%
PASOK should stay in power: 36%
Greater cooperation in politics is needed: 55%
Elections should be called ahead of time: 37%
The political parties they support: New Democracy (Samaras) 22.2%; PASOK (Papandreou) 14.7%; KKE (Communist) 9.1%, SYRIZA (radical left) 5.1%; LAOS (right-wing nationalists) 6.3%; Democratic Left 4.2%; Green 3.4%; Democratic Alliance 2.6%; Undecided >25%
Person to lead a unified government: Option 1: Lucas Papademos (VP of the ECB), Option 2: Samaras.
Outlook: Pessimistic 21%; Anxious 21%; Angry 20%; Hopeful 17%
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