

Who cares Greece might be spinning out of control?

By Juan Pedro Marín Arrese, in Madrid | Europe seems to witness with sheer indifference the Greek slide into utter ruin. Not so long ago Ms Merkel used to stress her unshakeable resolve not to let down any euro country. But the German finance Minister is currently pushing the Hellenic government towards the exit door. What has happened for such a U-turn? To begin with, fears about financial system contagion…


Crisis hit UK families’ savings rate harder than in Germany, China

LONDON | Lloyds TSB, the 40pc taxpayer-owned British bank, wondered how much savings UK families have and how this compare to Germany and China. Its researchers came up with some answers: the British household savings ratio (saving proportion of a consumer’s disposable income) has seen a steep downward trend over the past decade, in contrast with the other two countries. The results from Lloyds new survey were set alongside numbers…

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Euroland should be run by Anglosaxons

By Juan Pedro Marín Arrese, in Madrid | Economics is not a science but rather a common sense attitude. An open mind approach is vital to grasp its core meaning. Policing it shouldn’t be handed over to people too fond of rigid rules. Let the Germans have a go at it and you’ll end up with a neutral fiscal and monetary stance all year around. No policy at all, in fact….

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Merkel wants to poach Greece’s sovereignity

By Tania Suárez, in Madrid | “Greece must make up its mind”, warns the federal minister of Finance in Germany, Wolfgang Schäuble, from an interview for The Wall Street Journal. Schäuble states that the euro zone could refuse to grant Greece a new bailout and, if it did so, it would be pushing the Greeks to a default. Schäuble has decided to demand the permanent presence of a EU Commissioner…

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“Merkel will soften her stand”

By Alfredo Aranda, in Madrid| The proposal to centralise fiscal policies in the euro zone is perhaps the only initiative that has received the almost unanimous agreement of the EMU members, although it remains to be seen how it can be articulated. At Agenbolsa, analyst Paula Hausmann considers that this is a good option to restore confidence in the euro and stabilise shaken bond markets. But the big question remains: will…

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Bankinter: “Germany has too much to lose if the euro breaks down”

By Consenso del Mercado | After the difficulties Germany experienced in placing its bonds last week, it seems to have somehow relaxed its official position and be willing to let the ECB buy the required massive amounts of sovereign debt, even though under certain conditions. In this regard, Spanish Bankinter analysts argue that Germany is the country that would be the least interested in a euro breaking down. Here´s why….

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Spain in better shape than Germany, according to Der Spiegel

The newspaper El Economista alluded in its Wednesday edition to an article appeared in the magazine Der Spiegel, in which the German publication criticises the German government “because it likes to pride itself of its solid finances, when Germany’s budget management is not exemplary and the national debt could be above the EU limit.” These are some of the most direct statements made in Der Spiegel to chancellor Angela Merkel:…