tight money

central banks1

Zombie Economics Will Never Die

Benjamin Cole via Historinhas | The tight-money crowd is dominant in central-bank staffs, and so firmly (and self-perpetuatingly?) ensconced in such independent government sinecures that they look likely to outlast all rivals. That tight-money enthusiasts preach an increasingly dubious religion or ideology—I have dubbed it Theomonetarism—is unimportant. They have allies in media and academia, curiously always on the right-wing side of things (with some exceptions, such as Ramesh Ponnuru at National Review, James Pethokoukis at AEI, and Scott Sumner, of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University).

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BIS, money and the “prolonged depression”

SAO PAULO | By Marcus Nunes via HistorinhasThe depression may not be “Great”, but it has certainly been “Prolonged”. And like many things, good or bad, that persist, people “get used” to it! And there are those, like the BIS, who think that deepening the depression is worth it if it means reducing the risk of another financial crisis! The world´s major central banks have certainly caused a lot of damage by tightening money in the face of imaginary inflation dangers, but at least they are shrugging off the BIS “recommendations”.