- Purchases under the program will start on March 9.
- Purchases will total €60 billion per month.
- The ECB will purchase debt with negative yields, so long as those yields are not below the ECB deposit rate at time of purchase. The ECB deposit rate is currently -0.2%.
- If a Euro-Area central bank cannot purchase sufficient marketable debt instruments to fulfill its allocation, the ECB will allow substitute purchases. This substitute purchases rule should enable the ECB to fill its €60 billion target each month.
- The ECB will not buy more than 25% share of any one issue in order to avoid it having a blocking majority in case of any debt restructuring.
- The ECB will only buy in the secondary market.
- The ECB will purchase debt with remaining maturity between 2 and 30 years only.
The ECB provided a list of the international and supernational institutions and agencies it would purchase the debt of:
- Council of Europe Development Bank
- European Atomic Energy Community
- European Financial Stability Facility
- European Stability Mechanism
- European Investment Bank
- European Union
- Nordic Investment Bank
- Caisse d’amortissement de la dette sociale (CADES)
- Union Nationale Interprofessionnelle pour l’Emploi dans l’Industrie et le Commerce (UNEDIC)
- Instituto de Credito Oficial
- Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau
- Landeskreditbank Baden-Württemberg Foerderbank
- Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank
- NRW.Bank
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