stock market

Madrid Stock Exchange revision

The Number Of Investors In The Spanish Stock Market Falls By 35% In 2021

The Spanish stock market has become less attractive to investors, according to the latest data published by one of the country’s leading brokers, XTB. Despite doubling its volume of active clients in equities during 2021 compared to 2020, a clear change of trend in the Spanish market is being observed. The number of investors who only operate in the domestic market has decreased by 35% last year, while the number…


Intercity, The First Spanish Football Team To Join A Stock Market, Debuts Today On The BME Growth Index

The Board of Directors of BME Growth has approved the listing of Intercity, once all the documentation submitted by the company has been studied and a favourable evaluation report has been issued by the Market Coordination and Listing Committee. Intercity, which is the first Spanish club to be listed on a stock market, is the third company to join BME Growth since the Pre-Market Environment. This BME programme supports companies…

investment banks

Stock Market: Many Companies Are Choosing Not To Be Listed

Karl Schmedders & Patrick Reinmoeller via The Conversation| Stock markets reached all-time highs in 2021, bringing huge value to the companies riding the wave, even when you allow for the dip in recent weeks. We are also in the midst of a boom year for flotations, with many boards taking advantage of investor enthusiasm for shares. Yet companies have been delisting from the stock market in even larger numbers, and,…

spac ipo

Spacs: Why Investors Fell In Love With These Stock Market Vehicles – And How The Bubble Burst

Daniele D’Alvia via The Conversation | Spacs have been around since the 1990s, but they exploded in popularity in 2020 and early 2021. This is partly because there has been more and more capital looking to make money, since bonds have been paying unattractively low interest rates, and far fewer companies are listing than in previous decades. Regulations have made traditional flotations slower and more expensive. Flotations are also traditionally underpriced on the day of listing to drum up investor interest. But a crucial advantage of Spac deals is that they are privately negotiated and avoid the risk of money being “left on the table”.

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Global Earnings – Open For Business

Aneeka Gupta (WisdomTree) | The current earnings season sheds plenty of light on the outlook for global equity markets. This time last year, the world was thrown into disarray owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, we have seen lockdowns lifted as vaccination rollouts gather pace. In addition, the gradual resumption of economic activity, stimulative global fiscal plans, and the release of pent-up consumer demand are being reflected in first-quarter earnings results. As a result, the breadth of earnings revisions has been strongest in the US, followed by Japan, Europe while Emerging Markets and China are turning more neutral.

Madrid Stock Exchange revision

The Spanish Stock Market, One Of The Most Undervalued In Europe. It is Trading At A 30% Discount To The MSCI Europe

T.C.| Yesterday, the Spanish stock market closed at a twelve-month high, with the selective Ibex 35 above 8,800 points. The good results of some of the companies that have already presented their first quarter figures (Santander, Repsol, Naturgy, Indra, Viscofan…) pushed the index but did not prevent, as Morgan Stanley analysts explain, “Spain continues to have negative EPS (Earnings Per Share) and DPS (Dividends Per Share) revisions relative to the market… although it continues to trade at a 30% discount to the MSCI Europe”, when “the historical average is 20%, making it one of the most undervalued countries in the region”.

madrid stock exchange

Value Or Growth Companies?

Ofelia Marín- Lozano | For some sectors there has not been a stock market crisis. However, others – banks, telecoms, oil,… – have in nine months gone from trading at 19x PER to trading at less than 5x. If everything returns to ‘normal,’ this does not seem sustainable. As a example, in Spain, for the price of the largest retailer (Inditex), we have the two largest banks (Santander and BBVA), the largest insurance company (Mapfre) or the largest oil company (Repsol).

Brexit through the eyes of two British companies with direct exposure: Getlink and LSE

London Stock Exchange vs EU: Refinitiv Battle Reveals Unease Over Power Of Modern Stock Markets

Johannes Petry via The Conversation | Relations between London and Brussels have been better. While Brexit dominates the headlines, another cross-channel development has recently captured the attention of financial institutions. It concerns the the London Stock Exchange’s proposed US$27 billion (£21 billion) acquisition of US financial company Refinitiv, into which the European Commission is carrying out an in-depth anti-trust investigation.

investment banks

Will The US Risk Rally Endure – And Can Cyclicals Continue To Lead?

Mona Mahajan (Allianz GI) | With equities rallying more than 30% since late March, driven most recently by cyclicals, financial markets were perhaps due for a period of consolidation. New risks could emerge, but we continue to believe in the ongoing economic re-opening story — so cyclical sectors may remain market leaders in the near term. Markets could be supported further as elevated levels of cash are put back to work.


The Stock Market Is Not The Economy

Unigestión | Despite macro data coming in significantly below very low consensus expectations, equity markets have rebounded more than 25% off their lows. When stock markets rally on bad news, investors often lose a sense of reality. Currently, overly bearish sentiment, improving virus-related data, some optimism about reopening the economy and backstops from both the Fed and governments seem to be the main drivers of the brisk recovery in financial markets.