bank of greece

bank of greece2

Financial Stability Fund sells 10% of National Bank of Greece for €690m, Greece’s second largest bank by capitalisation (€7.012bn)

Bankinter: The Financial Stability Fund (HFSF) is selling 10.0% of NBG’s capital for €690m, equivalent to a price of €7.55/share. The 8.4% that the HFSF still holds in the bank will be transferred to the Greek sovereign wealth fund. Analysis team’s view: This is good news because it confirms investor interest in the sector, especially for the entities listed at the most attractive valuation multiples. For reference, NGB trades at…

Greece's accounts

Greece: It’s not the distance; it’s the load you carry

ATHENS | By Yiannis Mouzakis via Macropolis| It is beyond any doubt that what Greece has achieved fiscally over the last few years is phenomenal. A primary deficit that at the end of 2009 stood at 24.2 billion euros has been wiped out within just four years and has been turned into a small primary surplus, irrespective of any objections one might have about its size and how it was achieved.