Pablo Fernández | The average return of mutual funds in Spain over the last 15 years (1.1% p.a.) was lower than the investment in 15-year Spanish government bonds (4.4% p.a.). The average return of the IBEX 35 was 0.5% p.a., that of the Eurostoxx 50 was 2.8% p.a. and that of the S&P was 8.8% p.a.
Some 31 funds out of the 580 with a 15-year history outperformed 15-year government bonds and 364 outperformed the IBEX 35. As many as 128 funds had negative returns.
The most profitable fund provided a total return of 334% and the least profitable one -71% over the last 15 years. The most profitable and the least profitable funds are shown.
In 2019 there were 631 funds with 15 years of history and in 2022 there were 580.
The results of an experiment are also shown: 248 schoolchildren achieved better average returns than equity funds in 2002-2012. Of the 248 schoolchildren, 72 outperformed all funds. The average return of the schoolchildren was 105% and the average return of the funds was 71%.
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