
telefonica vivo

Telefónica Brasil negotiating to buy Brazilian operator Desktop

Telefónica Brasil, a subsidiary of TEF, confirmed on Wednesday that it is “in talks” to buy Brazilian operator Desktop, although at the moment there is no definitive decision or formalisation of a deal. The company has assured that it is constantly analysing market opportunities and investments aligned with its strategy and has committed to keep its shareholders duly informed of any move. For its part, Desktop has reiterated that at…


Will Lula find his El Dorado in China?

Alicia García Herrero (Natixis) | Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is currently in Beijing with a huge official and business delegation. His goals are clear: first and foremost, bringing growth opportunities to Brazil, whose economy has been battered by the Covid pandemic. Brazilian exports of commodities into China have ballooned since Beijing’s fiscal binge in 2008 that led to pent-up demand for commodities. More recently, Brazil’s large lithium reserves,…

2018 Brazil elections are taking place in a particularly challenging environment

Santander, Telefónica, Iberdrola, Aena and Mapfre, Spanish companies most exposed to institutional instability in Brazil

Alphavalue /Divacons | The current political instability in Brazil could harm Spanish companies with an interest in the country. The police have regained control of Congress, the presidential palace, and the Supreme Court after the violent invasion carried out by supporters of Jair Bolsonaro. However, and despite the fact that Bolsonaro has distanced himself from the actions of the protestors, the political tension continues. Among the Spanish companies most exposed…


Lula Wins Brazil’s Presidential Election

Former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won the second round of the presidential elections in Brazil on Sunday with 50.84% of the votes, compared to 49.16% for the current president, Jair Bolsonaro, with 99.10% of the ballot boxes counted. The leader of the Workers’ Party (PT), who governed between 2003 and 2010, will once again occupy the presidency of an extremely divided Brazil from 1 January 2023 and for…

Brazil elections: Whoever wins, debt reigns

Brasil: A Tight Presidential Run-Off Election Among High Inflation And Fiscal Policy Issues

Crédito y Caución (Atradius) | On October 2, general elections were held in Brazil in order to elect all seats in the lower house of Congress, one-third of seats in the Senate, all 27 state governors and the president. The race for president will be decided in a run-off on October 30, featuring incumbent far-right Jair Bolsonaro and left-wing former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. In a polarised first…


Telefónica seeks reduced price for Oi’s assets auctioned in Brazil

Renta 4 | Telefónica Brasil (Telefónica (TEF) 74,2%) finalised the acquisition of Oi’s assets which corresponded to the Spanish firm for a total of 1.063 billion euros. Telefónica Brasil paid some 966 million euros on the closing date of the transaction in April 2022. The payment of the remaining 10% is subject to specific price adjustments and potential indemnisation obligations. Separately, Telefónica Brasil took on a commitment to make an extra payment of…


AENA wins auction to manage 11 airports in Brazil for 30 years (€780 mn)

Intermoney |In line with information provided by Aena to the Stock Market Regulator (CNMV), and picked up by various media outlets, the airports operator (Hold, TP 140 euros/share) has won an auction to manage 11 airports in Brazil. The duration of the contract is 30 years and the value is 780 million euros, which includes both the price of the concession itself and an obligatory payment to the regulator. The…


Brazil’s Vicious Cycle: Breaking Out Of It Will Be Hard To Do

Crédito y Caución | In March 2021, Brazil’s central bank started its rate hiking cycle. This has raised investors ́ concerns thatgovernment finances will deteriorate, as they are highly sensitive to shifts in interest rates.•Worries about the credibility of a constitutional spending ceiling, a key fiscal anchor, are adding to those concerns.•The risk of higher fiscal deficits and a depreciating currency have increased inflationary pressures, forcing thecentral bank to lift…

telefonica vivo

Telefónica Joins CDPQ To Create Fibrasil, A Neutral Fibre Wholesale Network Provider In Brazil

Upon completion of the transaction, Telefónica and Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec will each hold 50% in FiBrasil under a co-control governance model. Telefónica Group’s 50% participation will be held through Telefônica Brazil (“Vivo”) and Telefónica Infra, the infrastructure arm of Telefónica Group, each holding a stake of 25%. Operating as a neutral wholesale company, FiBrasil is set to deploy and operate fibre-optic networks in selected mid-sized cities across Brazil outside the state of Sao Paulo.


Brazil–Less Significant Economic Contraction Than Originally Expected

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic has put an end to the modest economic rebound since 2017. The recovery followed Brazil’s longest and deepest recession in 2014-2016, when GDP shrank by almost 9%. However, Brazil’s less stringent containment measures and stronger fiscal support have led to smaller output losses compared to most other countries in the region. In 2020 GDP is expected to contract by 4.6% (an upward revision from the 6.2% contraction expected in August). Business confidence has rebounded since June.