
yuan digital

Will China’s Digital Currency Revolutionize Global Payments?

Daniel Wagner | More than 600 M Chinese already use Alibaba’s Alipay and Tencent’s WeChat Pay to pay for much of what they purchase. Both companies control approximately 90% of China’s mobile payments market, which totaled some $17 trillion in 2019. The Chinese government understands that, via Blockchain, the issuance of its own cryptocurrency is an excellent way to track and record the movement of payments, goods and people: the unsexily named Digital Currency/Electronic Payments (DCEP).

Facebook 's leak of users

Facebook Fear Unlikely To Knock Tencent Off Its Throne

As the saying goes, data is the new oil. And this month Facebook has fallen victim to a BP-scale leak in which 50 million users’ data was harvested without consent. While technology companies in the West feel the pressure, Jason Pidcock, Jupiter’s head of strategy on Asian income, argues that the picture looks brighter in Asia, particularly for the darling of Asian software technology: Tencent.

Facebook 's leak of users

Asian Markets: It Is All About Tencent In China

Asia has been the best performing region globally this year because of China being the best performing market and tech being the best performing sector. In Hong Kong in particular the impact of Tencent has been extra-ordinary as the largest stock in the market with a current weighting of almost 12%.

china brands

China imposes new brand order

Chinese Internet companies such as Weibo, Baidu and Tencent are sophisticating their business models to offer innovative products and services.  This crucial change brings to the brands made in China greater value at a global level as they go public on the New York Stock Exchange.

The Battle Lines Are Drawn for Alibaba and Tencent

China: The Battle Lines Are Drawn for Alibaba and Tencent

BEIJING | By Zhu Yishi at Caixin | The war between the country’s two Internet giants, Tencent Holding and Alibaba Group, in the mobile Internet arena has escalated. The Internet giants enter the mobile Internet industry with different strengths but a similar determination to come out on top.