Endesa has been awarded AENOR certification for its Energy Efficiency System (ISO 50001) and Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) at 18 of its offices in Spain. The company explained in a press release that six of these offices have also been granted certification for Internal Air Quality (UNE 171330-3) in recognition of their commitment to protecting the environment. These 18 buildings have a floor area of 115,663 m2 in total.
The Energy Management, Environmental Management and Interior Air Quality certificates position Endesa’s buildings as models of sustainable management and construction, and are testament to the efforts made by Endesa to cut its consumption of resources and subsequent CO2 emissions.
In 2011, Endesa’s head office became the first corporate building in Spain to receive triple certification (Energy, Environmental, and Interior Air Quality). Its bioclimatic architecture combining innovative air conditioning and heating systems and glazed dual façade which provides soundproofing, and thermal and solar insulation has been recognised through numerous awards. These include: the American Architecture Award 2004 from the Chicago Atheneum, the 2005 Award for Housing and Architecture Quality from the Madrid regional government, and the 2003 Bioclimatic Architecture Award from Madrid City Council.
Endesa first rolled out its Integrated Quality, Energy, and Environmental Management System (SIGAEC) at its offices in March 2011. This system restricts energy consumption through continuous improvement processes that are target driven and tested to ensure they are effective. As a result, a 46% reduction in CO2 emissions, a 21% decrease in electricity demand, and 35% and 28% cuts in gas and water consumption, respectively, have been achieved at the head office, where savings have been monitored between 2004 and 31 December 2012.
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