Banca March: Emmanuel Macron has announced that he will not appoint a prime minister until the end of August, once the Olympic Games are over. The French president declared that ‘until mid-August we must focus on the Olympics’. He also indicated that after that time and depending on the progress of the negotiations, it will be his responsibility to choose a prime minister and entrust him with the task of forming a government. France is in a time of deadlock, having to rely on various parties from different ideological camps to govern. The left, which has the largest number of seats, insists that the prime minister-designate belong to its alliance, proposing just an hour before Macron’s remarks that Lucie Castets, a Paris city hall worker, should be its candidate. For his part, Macron refuses to accept the left’s demands, arguing that they do not have an absolute majority and hoping to reach a coalition that gathers sufficient support.
Macron to not name prime minister until end of August, after Olympics are over