Bankinter| Sergio Massa has sprung a surprise and won the first round of the presidential elections in Argentina. With 99% of the votes counted and a 78% turnout, the current Minister of Economy and candidate of the current coalition governing Argentina (Unión por la Patria) obtained 36.7% of the votes. Javier Milei (La Libertad Avanza), who until now had been leading the pre-election polls, obtained 30.0% of the votes. The results for the other candidates are as follows: Bullrich 23.8%, Schiaretti 6.8% and Bregman 2.7%. In the absence of any candidate with at least 50% of the total vote, both Milei and Massa will contest the second round on 19 November.
Current economy minister Massa pulls off surprise win in first round of Argentina presidential election