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The $100-trillion withdrawal from global stock markets

By J.L.M. Campuzano, in Madrid | After four gloomy weeks, we finally get to see a welcome development: cash is now paramount. In a macroeconomics scenario like the current one, the answer to the question “what will companies spend their high cash flow on?” seems clear: share buybacks. But this is a conclusion that is still to become obvious. Meanwhile, we should be concerned with the end investor’s money. It…

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Is Mr Tordable the Spanish financial markets’ death threat, or their saviour?

LONDON | City and local investors in PAVE, a new Spanish secondary trading platform, must be happy to have recently got Equiduct and EuroCCP on board. Equiduct will be the electronic service provider for PAVE’s stock operations. It will connect private equity firms in Spain to the Square Mile’s capital funds and brokerage houses, which according to PAVE will allow it to reduce position fees 66 per cent and stir competition in one of the, so far, most conservative capital markets of the European Union. On the other hand, the pan-European clearing house EuroCCP will provide central cash equity clearing.

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EU's Lehman-esque synthetic ETFs: don't you blame Wall Street again!

LONDON | Will we witness an official reaction this May after having appeared the first signs of what could become the European Lehman-esque virus? According to the latest Financial Stability Forum’s special report, “the recent rapid growth and innovation in the markets of exchange-traded funds warrants increased attention by regulatory and supervisory authorities, as well as by the exchange-traded fund industry including providers, market-makers and investors.”

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EU’s Lehman-esque synthetic ETFs: don’t you blame Wall Street again!

LONDON | Will we witness an official reaction this May after having appeared the first signs of what could become the European Lehman-esque virus? According to the latest Financial Stability Forum’s special report, “the recent rapid growth and innovation in the markets of exchange-traded funds warrants increased attention by regulatory and supervisory authorities, as well as by the exchange-traded fund industry including providers, market-makers and investors.”