Enagás profit at 9M24, excluding sales of Tallgrass and Morelos gas pipeline in 2023, reaches €233.5m (up 7.85%)

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Link Securities | The company today presented its results for the first nine months of the year (9M2024), of which we highlight the following aspects: The company’s total revenues at 30 September 2024 amounted to €665.2m (down 1.1% year-on-year). The figure for regulated revenues in the first nine months of 2024 includes the impact of the regulatory framework (down €33.3 million), which has been partially offset by the increase in other regulated revenues (mainly COPEX and the positive impact of the Musel E-Hub plant that came on stream in July 2023).

Total natural gas demand declined by 8.6% year-on-year in 9M2024, due to the following factors:

Decrease in gas demand for electricity generation (down 33.0%) due to the increase in renewable generation, mainly hydro and solar.

Conventional demand in 9M2024 was 2.3% higher than in the same period of 2023.

Operating expenses in 9M2024 decreased by €9.9 million compared to the same period of 2023 (-4%) to €235.2 million. As a result, operating cash flow (EBITDA) in 9M2024 amounted to €572.8m (+0.1% year-on-year). In terms of revenues, the EBITDA margin increased from 85.0% in 9M2023 to 86.1% at the end of September.

EBIT amounted to €323.8 million (-3.3% year-on-year). The higher depreciation expense mainly corresponds to the depreciation of the Musel E-Hub plant after its commissioning in July 2023. In terms of revenues, the EBIT margin decreased from 49.8% in 9M2023 to 48.7% in 9M2024.

Net profit at 9M2024, excluding the impact of the asset rotation in 2024 from the sale of Tallgrass and in 2023 from the sale of the Morelos pipeline, amounted to €233.5m (up 7.8% year-on-year).

Profit after tax at 30 September 2024, including the impact of the asset rotation in 2024, amounted to -€130.2 million, which includes the €363.71 million accounting loss on the closing of the Tallgrass sale transaction. Net profit in 9M2024 evolves to exceed the annual target updated in July (€270 – 280 million; and including the accounting loss associated with the sale of Tallgrass Energy – €90 million – 80 million).

Net financial debt at the end of 3Q2024 was €926 million lower (down 27.7% versus year-end 2023) and stood at €2,421 million at 30 September, as a result of the cash obtained from the sale of the stake in the US company Tallgrass Energy.

Captura de pantalla 2024 10 27 a las 12.14.59

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The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.