CdM | The annual rate of the general Industrial Price Index (IPRI) was -3.8% in January, 2.5 points above that recorded in December of the previous year.
By economic destination of the goods, among the industrial sectors that had a positive influence on the evolution of the annual rate of the general IPRI, the following stood out:
Energy, with a rate of -12.6%, eight points above that of the previous month, a consequence of the fact that the prices of the Production, transport and distribution of electric energy increased, as opposed to the decrease recorded in January 2023.
For its part, among the industrial sectors with negative influence, the ones that stood out were:
Non-durable consumer goods, whose variation decreased 1.3 points and stood at 5.7%, the lowest since December 2021. This decrease was mainly due to the fact that the increase in prices of Beverage Manufacturing was lower than in January of the previous year.
Of note, although in the opposite direction, was the rise in the prices of the Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats, higher than in the same month last year.
The annual variation rate of the general index without Energy decreased nine tenths, to 0.2%, and was four points above that of the general IPRI.