

“We are facing a change of era rather than a change of cycle”

Fernando González Urbaneja & Luis Martí | Agustín Carstens, Managing Director of the Bank for International Settlements, Basel (BIS), explains that “I think this is a change of era. While it is true that it may coincide with a change of cycle, I believe we are facing a change of era for several reasons. There are structural factors that helped us during the last few years, since before the global…


“The defaults are not the tsunami that was expected, it is a tide that is slowly rising”

Explains Fernando Salazar, President of CESCE, the Spanish Export Credit Insurance Company, in an interview with Fernando Rodríguez. Q- How does a company like CESCE, which operates in many countries, view the geopolitical risk map? A- Geopolitics is currently setting the economic agenda, as the world is in great turmoil; there is no region, not even Europe, that is free. We see the rise of populism, parliamentary fragmentation, social instability,…

NataliaFabra 2

“Carbon Prices Are Having Perverse Effects”

Carlos Schwartz | Natalia Fabra is a director of Enagás and chair of the European programme “CURRENT TOOLS AND POLICY CHALLENGES IN ELECTRICITY MARKETS”. Q:There seems to be a shift in thinking about pricing mechanisms in the energy sector at the moment. A: Yes, it is part of the paradigm shift. It has been realised that, in the case of the electricity market, it is not correct to remunerate power…

Ismael Ce

“It Cannot Be That The Number Of Public Employees Rises And At The Same Time The Number Of Hours Worked Falls”

Almudena Díez | Ismael Clemente, CEO of Merlin Properties, explains that “What we are seeing today is that the adoption rate of teleworking in Spain is very low. In fact, it is one of the lowest, not only in Europe, but in the world. With the exception of the public administration, which has adopted it massively, with the risk of generating inefficiency” Q: A Bankinter director told us that the…


“In The Last Ten Years, While Consumption Has Risen By 1.3%, 24 Refineries Have Been Closed In The EU.”

Explains Mariano Marzo, Repsol board member: “If we are going to need oil and gas, and it is clear that they will be necessary for many years to come, we must guarantee their production without demonising them. Failure to do so means tackling an ill-considered energy transition, driven more by ideology than by technology” … “The main risk of this ideological approach, which is quite widespread in many European areas,…

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“The Rise In Inflation Is Largely Due To Speculation. The ECB Will Not Be Able To Stop It By Raising Rates”

Lidia Conde (Francfort) | explains Marcel Fratzscher, president of the DIW (Berlin Institute for Economic Research) who headed the ECB’s International Economic Policy Analysis Department in 2008-2013. In an interview to be published in this month’s issue of Consejeros magazine, Fratzscher explains that “The ECB is habdicapped because it cannot tacle the problem by raising rates, neither this year nor the next”, which is why “I am not in favour…

Madrid Stock Exchange revision

“The Remuneration Report At Banco de Sabadell Obtained Over 38% Dissent Votes”

“Shareholders and proxy advisors are being very critical of directors’ pay and board composition, as evidenced in voting.” explains Nancy Hameni (Head of Proxy & M&A at Cmi2i) to Fernando Rodriguez. Q- What do you think is most remarkable so far in the 2022 Spanish AGM season ?A- Halfway through the 2022 AGM season, we are seeing executive compensation and board elections as the most prominent trends within the IBEX-35….


“Politics Would Have To Intervene Whenever The Market Transfers Wealth Creation Out Of Europe In A Disproportionate Way”

Lidia Conde | Sebastian Dullien is Director of the IMK Düsseldorf. Q: Germans have spent 200 billion euros less since the beginning of the epidemic. Will all this money flow into consumption? A: Not all of it, but a considerable part will be spent. Studies conducted by our institute show that Germans are not only planning to buy new consumer durables such as cars, furniture or houses, but also to…

Carmen Pinto Nicolás Correa

“With Electricity Consumption 17% Lower Than In 2020, We Have Paid 25% More”

Julia Pastor | Carmen Pinto is the CEO of Nicolás Correa, which manufactures milling machines for half the world. Q: How much of its production stays here in Spain? A: 90% of what is made in the group is exported, 25% to China, another very important part to the European markets, Germany, Italy, the UK and France, the weight of which varies from year to year. And then there is…

mauricio claver

“There Are Companies That Have Left Latin America Because Of Currency Risk. We Offer Hedging To Eliminate It”

Pablo Pardo (Washington) | Since October 2020, the largest development agency in the Americas, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has had at its helm a person who grew up in Madrid, Mauricio Claver-Carone, the first American to head the institution. He was director for the Americas at the National Security Council during Donald Trump’s presidency. And Claver-Carone has set himself the goal of making Latin America accelerate its growth, making…