

“ESG Standards Platform To Be Ready In 2022” Says IOSCO Secretary General

Fernando Rodríguez (Emisores) | Irishman Martin Moloney is the new Secretary General of IOSCO (International Organisation of Securities Commissions), which brings together 130 supervisory bodies of the world’s most important stock exchanges. The organisation has accelerated its work so that next year investors will have a global platform or baseline with which to operate safely in the variegated and confusing world of ESG products and standards. Q: IOSCO supports a…

ramon adell

“Legal Uncertainty Is Lethal For Attracting Investment”

Ramón Adell is a board member of a large listed energy company, Naturgy, and several others. Right now, the Spanish business world is partly caught up in a wave of ICO loans and labour market measures such as ERTEs. Q: What effects do you think this bubble has had on the culture and management of companies in our country? A: There is still a certain anaesthesia in part of the…

Herman Simon

“I Hope That The New German Government’s Climate Change Plan Is Realistic”

Lidia Conde (Francfort) | Herman Simon, founder of Simon-Kucher & Partners, is best known for his 30 books, translated into 26 languages. His works on pricing and price management have become classics in the academic world. According to Manager Magazin, he is the world’s foremost pricing expert. Q: There will probably be a red-green cabinet supported by the Liberals. What do you expect from the new government “in the Chinese…

socorro fernandez larrea 777x400 a

“All Neighbouring Electricity Markets Have Been At Record Highs For Days. The Rules Are The Same Throughout Europe, And They Are Not Going To Change Them”

Almudena Díez | Red Electrica’s Director -Socorro Fernández Larrea- explains why the current price of electricity in Spain (140€ MW/h) has been at record highs for days: Q: How do you explain to consumers that the system can have such sharp fluctuations in the price of electricity that directly affect their pockets? A: Very easily, by telling the truth, if you like. The problem arises because the price of energy…

ramiro mato

“A Lot Of Things Are Not Defined. We Don’t Know What Is Green, What Is Brown…”

Fernando Rodríguez | “Nor do we know what rules the EBA is going to impose on these issues, or how some of the measures the ECB may take will affect capital ratios. So regulation is making it difficult for us to grow, because of all the limitations and all the capital requirements being imposed on us,” explains Ramiro Mato, chairman of the responsible banking, sustainability and corporate governance committee at Santander Bank: “For example, in Poland 70% of energy still comes from coal, and we cannot stop financing our customers all at once.”

Nobuhiro Kiyotaki

“Modern Monetary Theory Has A Weakness: Nominal Government Bond Rates Are Not Always Low”

Pablo Pardo (Washington) | Nobuhiro Kiyotaki, Princeton professor and BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge Award winner, says: “As public debt grows, rates tend to rise, until they are close to those of private debt, which are higher than the rate of GDP growth. The spreads on public and private debt are not immutable over time and, paradoxically, some people seem to think that this is the case, that the coupon on…

nuria aliño

“I am Surprised That There Are So Few Open Banking Fintechs In Spain”

“Traditionally, financial services were provided by banks – in many countries three or four institutions have 80 or 85% of the market, and they do not always have a focus on financial inclusion – but that is no longer the case and there are new providers, such as ‘ANT FInancial’ in China or ‘Mercado Libre’ in Latin America, which started with payments and now offer a wide range of services. That is why open banking is important for the World Bank, because it favours competition and financial inclusion”, says Nuria Aliño, advisor to the World Bank.

Isabel Perez Nivela

“In London You Almost Have To Apologise For Having A Dominical Chairwoman”

Fernando Rodríguez López de Andújar | Isabel perez Nivela is vice-president for legal affairs at Coca Cola European Partners, the bottling company that last year had a turnover of 10.6 billion euros (-11%) and was already listed in Amsterdam. so “taking advantage of brexit, which forces us to have a European market of reference, we have domiciled (Coca-Cola EP) in Amsterdam, whose stock exchange is quadrupling its business volumes since the brexit agreement. Amsterdam also has other prerogatives for long-term shareholders, such as allowing loyalty shares and other corporate governance issues that are not allowed in london. there you almost have to apologise for having a dominical chairwoman, even if she is appointed by a shareholder with more than 30% of the capital”.

Christoph M. Schmidt

“The Rapid Recuperation In World Trade Has Already Enabled Industry to Almost Completely Recover”

Lidia Conde (Francfort) | Christoph Schmidt, chairman of the Franco-German economic think tank for the past year – when he stepped down as chairman of the council of wise men advising the Berlin government – makes no secret of his concerns: “Both the European Green Deal and the Next Generation EU nourish the hope that Europe will emerge stronger from this crisis in the end. But between the EU’s ambitious plans and the final success, the final results, there is a long way to go. And on that road, member states will have to undertake the structural reforms that will increase their long-term growth potential and show their readiness to return to compliance with the stability and growth pact, with the debt rules”.